The new year is here and I usually take stock of past year by reflecting on the highlights, the challenging moments, what I am grateful for and what lessons I have learned.
This past year I have grown from my experiences of traveling abroad by myself, taking care of my family member from her ailing health, and being able to connect in the moment with people. The challenging moments I had to overcome is to heal my body from the physical pains from heel pains, shoulder pains and other ailments. This year was about healing my body and spirit. I am grateful in creating a strong relationship with GOD. I am grateful for the lessons I had to learn to be healthier and stronger. I learned that eating properly is very critical to my health. Slowing down my mind through mindful meditation and breathing is important to stay centered. Learning that Love is unconditional no matter what occurs.
After accessing my answers, I then set new goals aka New Year’s resolutions.
My resolve for 2019 is to have a healthy lifestyle by meditating, eating right and exercising. I am also growing my leadership in my career and projects by doing more public speaking and networking. I am also going to appreciate the challenging moments as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Many people view the New Year as a clean slate to start over. Some people make goal resolutions like “I’m going to be healthy by losing weight or by going back to the gym.” Or “I’m going to spend more time with my family.” Whatever the resolution is, sometimes sticking to the resolution can be challenging. Planning smaller steps and having buddies to join you or cheer you on will definitely support you. What is your next goal?